Hi all!

This is somewhat late really {seems a familiar story recently doesn't it?? :0/ } as I was going to do it for my 15000 hits, and first Blogoversary before Christmas! But...I'm now not far off 18000 hits and 241 days from my next Blogoversary!

So here it is... ...and included in it is a fabby Funky Fairys Papercrafts 'Fairy Chloe' stamp, complete with 2 sentiment stamps donated by the wonderful Funky Fairy herself - Shaz ♥
For a chance of winning this...all you have to do is spread the word by leaving a post on your blog and linking back to here! This will run until 7pm on Sunday the 15th Feb 09.
This is now closed!!
Thank you to everyone who has taken part and I will post the winner tomorrow :)
Congratulations on your hits and a great candy giveaway have left a post on my blog for you
18000 hits wow. Congrats. Love to be in with a chance to win this fab candy, thanks. Will post on my blog now. Hugs Clare x
Hello! What's a candy! I've made a post about it in my blog: http://scrapmooooon.blogspot.com/2009/02/lydia-15.html. Thanks for a chance to win!
Hi! Congratulations! That's really yummy candy! I've added link on my sidebar telling about your gorgeous candy!
With best wishes,
Lovely candy, ive added you to my blog. Thanks for a chance!
Hi Lydia,
Superb candy! Thank you for the chance to win!
Teri xx
Lydia, your candy looks so great! This is also my first blog candy ever. I like your site design, it is really cute. Good luck in handmade! Your candy looks great on my blog page :)
Hi from Siberia
Congratulations! I wish all the best! Candies beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win it)
My Link http://snatusik.blogspot.com/2009/02/lydia.html
Congrats on your hits gf thanks for the RAK!
I posted it at my blog
Hi! Your candy is fantastic!
Thanks for a chance to win it!
Posted about your candy in my blog: http://deizee81.blogspot.com/2009/02/lydia-15.html
WOW Lyds that is some amazingly low fat candy I love ;)
hugs Ria
I just left a comment on my blog.
Great candy Lyds! have left a link on my blog!
congrats on your hits hun..your blog and your creations are gorgeous..and here's to many more hits,thanks for the chance of winning this yummy candy..ive popped a pic and a link on my sidebar.
good luck everyone hugs clarexx
Hi Lydia!
Great candy! http://kotenok77.livejournal.com/28852.html
sweet candy!!! congrats on all the hits!!
Congratulations on your hits and a great candy ....
I link it in my Sidebar
Hugs, Sonja xx
Congratulations! I'd love to enter your contest! I'll post a link to it on my blog at www.jennjunk.blogspot.com
Wow, I love your cards...beautiful. I am so glad I found your blog. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy, I just don't know how to post on my blog yet. I am so new at this and boy it's complicated...to me atleast.
Congrats on that # wow what fun!! Thanks for the chance. Great Blog. My head is overloading on all your wonderful ideas! TY again
Congratulations on your hits. I have told everybody about your "Funky Candy" giveaway on my blog:
Wonderful blog candy. I adore the fairy. I left a link on my blog:
left a link on my blog!
Great candy. I just dont have a blog to link to. BarefootProf@bellsouth.net
Congrats on your hits!!! And thanks for a chance to win this beautiful candy! I put a link yo my candybar! Bye,
Congratulations on all your hits so far, and thank you for the chance to win. I've put a link on my sidebar. I've also got some blog candy to giveawy if you'd like to enter.
what utterly lovely candy - I would love to add yet more stamps to my ever growing collection!!
I have added your link to my candy sidebar.
gorgeous candy Lydia, I have posted on my blog about it
I don't have a blog, but perhaps I could be entered anyways. Thanks!
Congratulations on all your hits, thank you for the chance to win some lovely candy, have linked it to my side bar, sue.x
Great candy Lyds. Have left a link on my blog.
Hi, Lydia!Super candy! Thank you for the chance to win!
Posted about your candy in my blog: http://kukusinka.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-post_12.html
Hi Lydia,
I posted over at my blog:
http://prpldy15.blogspot.com/2009/02/someone-else-has-blog-candy-too.html regarding this awesome blog candy.
You are very nice woman, your creavity is very interesting and your candy is the dream of cardmakers!
Hi from Moldova!
My blog
Hello! Great blogcandy. I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy". Thanks for a chance to win!
I'm having so much fun blog-hopping and making friends this year. 18000 is a lot of hits! I dont have a blog but i'd love to be entered. Congrats on your upcoming blogiversary too :)
Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!
!8,000 Wow!! Congrats on your Blogiversary as well!! I would love to win your candy!! I posted a pic and a link in my sidebar for you. Cheers Colleen
Hello!It's really a wonderful candy! I've made a post in my blog about it:
Have a nice day! :)
Hi there!
Great candy! Congrats!
Here's my spreaded word :)
Congrats! It's realy sweet candy!!
Yummy Candy you've got there would love a crack at it :)
added you into my blog here
thanks for the try :)
Yummy Candy you've got there would love a crack at it :)
added you into my blog here
thanks for the try :)
Congratulations, what a milestone! Great inpisration on your blog, would love to be entered for your giveaway, link is on my jubbly list.
Nice blog candy.
Thank you for a chance.
My link is here
Hello from the Kazakhstan. Your candy is fantastic! I posted a link on my blog.http://ksunya-wwwbloggercomcreate-blogg.blogspot.com/
COngrats on your hits!! I can see why so many visit you! Thanks for the chance and I wll link you!
Congrats on the hits and your blogoversary!! AND THANKS for giving us a chance to win your candy and celebrate with you!!
I hooked you up to my blog already!
Hoosier Hugs, Nicole
Congratulations on your hits and blogoversary. I'm off to post a link on my blog. Hugs, Lainy xxx
Congratulations on all those hits, well done.
I've left a link on my side bar for you
Congrats on all those hits! I love to win your candy so I linked you on my blog! Hugs, moni
Congratulations on your hits and blogoversary.i am off to link you in my sweet candy bar Here.
Thanks for the chance :)
Val xxx
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